Adele totally killing it with a gold lamé dress and T-straps.
Adele is the singer and multi-instrumentalist for Glaswegian band Sons and Daughters and has also played and toured with Arab Strap. She wore a vintage ice skater outfit on stage once.
Apart from making me the most epic lunch (Jamie Oliver recipe!), Adele and I gossiped about our shared love of Lula magazine, TV programs featuring awkward teenagers, leopard print everything, glittery eye makeup, Biba dresses and of course...TOUR!
With her insanely unique fashion sense, fun-loving spirit and expert artistry at applying false eyelashes, going on tour with Adele would be my dream come true. (Imagine the shared clothing possibilities!)
TOURING IN CARS WITH BOYS: What is your favorite place to tour?
ADELE BETHEL: My favourite place to tour is Australia, love the people. Really adore Melbourne, great vintage shopping and little boutiques.One I came across was called 'quick brown fox' which had the most amazing and unusual shoe collection. I came home overloaded and had to put some of my stuff in Scott our guitar players suitcase which was interesting when he was searched at the airport and they pulled out a full length leopard print rain mac, he was mortified!
TICWB: HAHA! I have totally been in that situation before. The man I was traveling with was not happy to be forced to pack five pairs of heels in his guitar case.
OK, next question! Best city you've been on tour for vintage shopping?
ADELE BETHEL: It's a tough one but I've got to go with San Fransisco. I have never on my visits there come away empty handed. I love Wasteland vintage on Haight St and of course Amoeba Records.I got a great 80's chanel mini leather rucksack in a store there for 90 dollars which I cherish.
(TICWB sidenote: Chanel rucksack? That exists? JEALOUS!!!)
TICWB: What are your tour must-haves?
ADELE BETHEL: My tour must haves are comfy slippers, if we are on a bus I like to take my own duvet cover and pillow case, anything to make the insanity feel slightly more 'normal'. I always take a DVD wallet and my laptop with things like 'Freaks and Geeks', 'My So Called Life' and the O.C.I need my laptop to watch them as the rest of the band will not watch this sort of thing usually.If you are in a van I recommend stealing a pillow from a hotel to sleep on the journey and as you have no kitchen take healthy portable snacks so you don't feel like shit. Things like oatcakes, yogurts,cereal bars,soy nuts so you don't have to eat crap from a service station. Oh and strong painkillers for the inevitable hangovers!
TICWB: What are the best/worst parts of tour?
ADELE BETHEL: The best part of the tour is the show at night basically. It's such a weird existence where you spend most of your day so bored yet trying to have some 'alone' time. The show is the reward at the end of it.The worst thing is leaving your loved ones.
TICWB: How many pairs of shoes do you usually take on tour?
ADELE BETHEL: Ha! This is a hard question. It depends how long I am going for and where I will be going. If,for instance, I am going to the U.S and experiencing different weather climates my shoe collection is usually 'warm knee boots', 'fancy knee boots','day flats' 'day ankle boots' and about 3 pairs of 'gig shoes'. I'm actually much worse for packing different types of jackets and coats and that's when my suitcase space gets tight! Make up and toiletries are also my downfall, they take up a shit load of room.

Let's discuss the artistry in that eyeliner application, SHALL WE?
TICWB: Would you prefer to tour with all women, or do you like having men on tour with you?
ADELE BETHEL: I like the fact there are 2 guys and 2 gals in the band, it's a nice balance. I've toured with just guys before when I played in Arab Strap and that was weird. On one hand it was nice as they treated me like a little sister and were very over protective but I love having Ailidh (Sons and Daughters female bassist) with me. When you open your make up bag and realise at 8pm you have lost your false eyelash glue, you have back up! It's also really fun to get ready together, we tend to colour co-ordinate with our dresses each night and always borrow each other stuff. It's like doubling up your wardrobe choices, pretty saweet!
(TICWB mental note: Only tour with females from now on!)
TICWB: Can you please tell me a funny tour story or anecdote?
ADELE BETHEL: We toured in 2005 in the US for 8 weeks and over those 2 months I had vintage shopped my ass off so ended up going through 3 suitcases. The third was this huge red thing I bought on the last day in NY. I still have it, it's so huge I can get in it quite comfortably and zip myself in there. We flew from NY to Munich to start the European leg and our 2 pals from Glasgow who were tour managing and driving met us at the gate in the airport. I arrived with this thing and they were like 'for fucks sake adele, this is a 2 man lift'! They had to load it in the van every morning, god bless them. It was and still is referred to as 'fat albert' by the rest of the band and everyones heart sinks when I wheel it out of a morning to start a tour. I'm 5'2 I can't lift this thing, but I NEEED all of that stuff:) xxxxx
You know what guys? She's right. She does need all that stuff! Looking that amazing/beautiful every night requires a lot of wardrobe options for costume changes!
Sons and Daughters new record Mirror Mirror is out now on Domino records. It's brilliant. Buy it.
P.S. Adele, call me if you need a personal assistant for your next tour! You know I'd never say no to stopping at vintage shops even if we're running late for a gig! LOVE YOU!
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